

Black-and-white phot of bike leaning up against small shed

パーキンソンの法則ではなく、「パーキンソンの凡俗法則」をご存知ですか? 重要な話に複雑な意見を主張する人は少なく、些細な物事に関しては多くの人が自分の考えを述べることができるので、己の存在を誇示出来るという法則です。


We generally prefer to discuss things we understand rather than things we don't, and that can be a big problem in interviews and meetings. 





Circle back

If a conversation is going in a new direction and you want to return to a previous point, you can circle back.

In business, it’s very common for discussions to be directed away from the main point as new ideas, issues, or related topics come up. If you would like to refocus everyone’s attention to the main point of a discussion, you can circle back to it.

You can use this expression as a statement or a question. Here are some examples of how to use this phrase: